Why The Future of IoT Depends On Strong Cellular Signal
- News
- 21 Oct, 2019
Cellular connectivity is the backbone of modern communication across the globe, and communication is no longer limited to people interacting with one another. These days communication between devices and operating platforms facilitate the transfer of information or data, and supports thousands of everyday smart technologies.
This person-to-machine or machine-to-machine communication is referred to as the "Internet of Things". Simply put, the "Internet of Things" is connecting any object to the Internet (and/or to each other) and extending the power of the internet beyond computers and smartphones to a whole range of other things, processes
The Development of Internet of Things "IoT"
The internet started as large collections of organised data created by people, and now we are moving to a new "generation" where data is created by things. This means that the information system which was traditionally bound to the internet is being extended to our physical world.
The cost of connectivity is decreasing, more devices are Wi-Fi enabled and have embedded sensors. Also, our current smartphone penetration is at an all time high. All of these things are creating the perfect environment for the IoT to flourish.
From commercial applications such as remote measuring and systems monitoring or even credit card machines, to consumer applications such as home automation or self-driving cars, cellular connectivity is a critical component that enables IoT devices to perform optimally.
Supporting the IoT Infrastructure with Strong Cellular Signal
Unfortunately, our cellular infrastructure does not adequately support the current and growing demand of IoT applications. Much of South Africa has some form of cellular infrastructure in place, however our cellular coverage is not always reliable, and weak in many places.
Our most powerful cellular networks such as LTE and possibly 5G, isn’t going to be available everywhere for the foreseeable future. Also, a majority of IoT applications support devices in places where strong cell signal is blocked by building materials, for example, flood detectors in basements, or parking sensors in underground levels.
IoT applications promises improved efficiency and time-saving, and in order to fulfill these requirements they need to exchange data with their servers in real-time. If these devices are positioned in a dead-spot or have weak signal, they cannot meet these basic requirements.
Cellphone Signal Boosters for IoT
Cell phone signal boosters bridge the gap where weak or no cellular connectivity exists by bringing cellular signal in from outside and amplifying the weak signal with a signal booster and rebroadcasting signal in an area where IoT devices are located and can use this signal.
Learn more about the Science behind Cell Phone Signal Boosters.
With proper design and installation, a high quality signal booster system will provide reliable signal strength and fast data speeds for all IoT applications. Although future networks are continually improving to support these applications, we don’t have to wait for the future to enjoy the advances of IoT right now.
Bolton Technical Offers Cell Phone Signal Boosters For IoT devices:
- Boosts signal for all South African mobile networks: Vodacom, MTN, Cell C and Telkom.
- Suitable for all IoT devices with sim cards
- Amplifies signal for 2G, 3G and 4G
- Design and installation service available
- All signal boosters have a 1-year product warranty
- 30-Day money-back guarantee
- ICASA approved
Contact us on +27 11 749 3085 or email sales@boltontechnical.co.za, our friendly support team is on stand-by to assist with any queries.