Signal Booster - Always Buy the Best
- News
- 30 Mar, 2020
The current global pandemic is forcing drastic action, so it is not surprising that the ‘working from home’ statistics have spiked. Working online from home is a wise and wonderful option in such times - but only if your data connection is strong, secure and reliable. No matter how pragmatic working remotely can be, it is pointless if productivity is affected and output is compromised. To stay connected, a signal booster is the obvious solution - but not just any signal booster!
Who not to trust!
Did you know that there is an entire signal booster market out there? That is why you don’t want to be ‘penny wise, pound foolish.’ In other words, you want to ensure you are buying quality products. This is just common sense when it comes to purchasing any technological or telecommunication device - even though it may be a ‘grudge’ purchase!
If your business’ success is based on you being online and working from home, then you need to do your homework on the signal booster you are buying and the company you are buying it from. Is there anything more frustrating than dropped calls, missed texts and slow data? Actually there is - when these scenarios continue to occur after you have purchased a signal booster!
A signal booster needs to do what it promises on the box - that is the bottom line. You need to stay connected. Unfortunately, there are dodge signal boosters out there. (Yes, every industry is plagued by poor quality wannabees and rip-offs).
As part of your background check, go ahead and research public online reviews of signal boosters on reputable platforms. You will discover some very concerning experiences. Words like ‘AVOID, BEWARE, TERRIBLE and SCAM’ are red flags and huge warning signs when related to customer service, product reliability, after-sales service, product quality and money-back guarantees. We say, ‘STAY CLEAR.’ No matter the offer, the discount or the low price point - it is really not worth it.
Who can you trust? (‘Local is lekker’)
A reputable signal booster company that is based in South Africa will ensure reliable after-sales service and simplified logistics, should you need to return the booster, for whatever reason. Access to technical support is also available, in the event of any installation issues.
The name you can trust is Bolton Technical.
We offer:
- The best technical support in the signal booster industry.
- A 30-day money-back guarantee, no questions asked.
- A 1-year manufacturer’s warranty on all hardware. (Should your unit not perform to its usual standards, contact us, and we'll take care of it).
- Support teams who are based locally in Johannesburg.
- Installation teams who will work anywhere in South Africa.
As the sole distributors of WilsonPro Boosters in Southern Africa, with products to boost 3G and 4G LTE signal in cars, homes and buildings, we offer reliable signal booster solutions to fix weak cell phone signal! Our turnkey installation services and range of antennas, cables and accessories will ensure you have indoor mobile access – anytime, anywhere.
A signal booster is a valuable and high-end investment, so this is our Bolton Technical promise to you: We're not here for the one-time sale. We're here for the lifetime support.
Contact us today to order your essential cellphone signal booster! We are open for business during the lockdown period and deliver anywhere in South Africa with our courier partners.